English language

Idioma: portugues



There will be three categories of award, considering the excellence of the work and as indicated by the Evaluation Committees:

  • "Pirajá da Silva" Award, for the best work presented in each oral session
  • "Amaury Coutinho" Award, for the best master dissertation on schistosomiasis
  • "José Pellegrino" Award ,for the best doctoral thesis on schistosomiasis

Submission of theses and dissertations:

from May 04 until June 30 2018

The theses and dissertations will be evaluated taking into account the following points:

  • Introduction of the theme in an enlightening manner
  • Adequate bibliographic review
  • Clear and objective addressing of the question (es) and hypothesis (es)
  • Detailing of the materials and methods and adequacy of the methodology used
  • Presentation of the results
  • Apresentação dos Resultados
  • Analysis and Discussion of results obtained
  • Conclusions, perspectives and approach of possible developments and/or applications of the research
  • Technical quality and clarity of figures and tables
  • Clear and objective writing, adequacy of the language
  • Scientific articles published in indexed journals

For the granting of the award for best work in a session of oral presentation, the following criteria will be considered: (a) relevance of the topic, (b) clarity and accomplishment of objectives, (c) adequacy and detailing of methods, (d) consistency, innovation and scope of results, (e) quality of the presentation and (f) respect to time limit.