English language

Idioma: portugues


Palestrantes confirmados



CREDENCIAMENTO - Salão Tiradentes (Sala A)

CURSOS DE CURTA DURAÇÃO - Salão Tiradentes (Salas B, E e F)



SC2: Atualizações em Diagnóstico

Dra. Ana Coutinho (A CONFIRMAR)

Dra. Deborah Negrão-Correa (A CONFIRMAR)

MSc. Silvia Mesquita (FIOCRUZ-Minas)

SC3: Saneamento

Carolina Torres Menezes (Funasa) - A CONFIRMAR

SC4: Atualizações em esquistossomose

Cristiane Lafetá Furtado de Mendonça

Dra. Langia Colli Montresor (FIOCRUZ-Minas)

CONFERÊNCIA 1 - Teatro Ouro Preto


C1: Conferência 1 - A ser anunciado

Mediador: Russel Stothard (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK)

INTERVALO (10:00-10:20) - Setor de feiras



MESA REDONDA 1 - Auditório 1

RT1: Iniciativas globais para eliminação da esquistossomose

Mediador: Otávio Piere (IOC/ FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

- Amadou Garba (WHO Representative, Switzerland)

- Marcelo Wada (CGZV/SVS/MS, Brazil)

- Tchuem Tchuente (University of Yaoundé, Cameroon) – TÌTULO PENDENTE

- Xiao-Nong Zhou (CDC, China) – ‘Driving force for the schistosomiasis elimination in China”

MESA REDONDA 2 - Auditório 2

RT2: Vacinas e imunorregulação para o controle da esquistossomose  

Mediador: Alan Wilson (UK)

- Alan Wilson (UK) – “Mapping of peptide epitopes for inclusion in vaccine constructs, using sera from rodent and primate models.”

- Patrick Skelly (Tufts University, USA)

- A ser anunciado

ALMOÇO (12:00-13:30) - Salão Mariana



MESA REDONDA 3A - Auditório 1

RT3: Saneamento

OP1: Controle / OP3: Educação em Saúde

Mediador: Carlos Eduardo Grault (IOC/Fiocruz - BRAZIL)

- Leo Heller (IRR/FIOCRUZ, Brazil) – A CONFIRMAR

- Martin Enk (Instituto Evandro Chagas, Brazil)

- Alfredo Guerra (Programa de Saneamento Rural FUNASA, Brazil) – A CONFIRMAR

MESA REDONDA 4A - Auditório 2

RT4: Interação parasito-hospedeiro

OP4: Biologia Molecular / OP5: Bioquímica

Mediador: Sergio Costa (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – Brazil

- Cinzia Cantacessi (University of Cambridge, UK) – A CONFIRMAR

- Benjamin Gourbal (University of Perpignan, France) – A CONFIRMAR

- A ser anunciado

INTERVALO (15:10-15:30) - Setor de feiras



MESA REDONDA 3B - Auditório 1

RT3: Epidemiologia, ambiente e saneamento

OP1: Epidemiologia / OP2: Controle / OP3: Educação em Saúde

Mediador: Ana Lúcia Coutinho Domingues (UFPE-BRAZIL)

- Carlos Graeff-Teixeira (Trata Brasil, Brazil) - “Environment contamination with feces and the threshold for transmission interruption.”

- Gilmara Lima Nascimento (Centro Universitário de Brasília, Brazil)

- A ser anunciado

MESA REDONDA 4B - Auditório 2

RT4: Interação parasito-hospedeiro

OP4: Biologia Molecular / OP5: Bioquímica

Mediador: Willian Borges (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil)

- Cornelis H. Hokke (Leiden University, Netherlands) – “Structural and functional glycobiology of S. mansoni extracellular vesicles”

- Wannaporn Ittiprasert (George Washington University, USA – “Comparison of CRISPR-Cas9 and -Cas12a ribonucleoprotein complexes for transgene knock-in efficiency in Schistosoma mansoni egg omega-1 gene”

- Maria Castillo (New Mexico State University, USA) - A CONFIRMAR






C2: Conferência principal – “Infectious diseases of poverty and citizenship” – David Rollinson (Natural History Museum, UK)

Mediador: Carlos Graeff-Teixeira (UFES, Brazil)


CURSOS DE CURTA DURAÇÃO - Salão Tiradentes (Salas B, E e F)



SC2: Atualizações em Diagnóstico

Dra. Ana Coutinho (A CONFIRMAR)

Dra. Deborah Negrão-Correa (A CONFIRMAR)

MSc. Silvia Mesquita (FIOCRUZ-Minas)

SC3: Saneamento

Carolina Torres Menezes (Funasa) - A CONFIRMAR

SC4: Atualizações em esquistossomose

Cristiane Lafetá Furtado de Mendonça

Dra. Langia Colli Montresor (FIOCRUZ-Minas)

CONFERÊNCIA 3 - Teatro Ouro Preto


C3: Conferência 3 - “An iterative approach to anti-schistosomal drug discovery” - Phill LoVerde

Mediador: Paulo Marcos Zech Coelho (IRR/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

INTERVALO (10:00-10:20) - Setor de feiras



MESA REDONDA 5 - Auditório 1

RT5: Estudos e manipulação de Schistosoma e hospedeiro intermediário 'omics'

OP6: Hospedeiro intermediário

Mediador: Timothy Yoshino (University of Wisconsin, USA) – A CONFIRMAR

- Gabriel Rinaldi (Sanger, UK)

- Ana Protasio (Cambridge, UK) – A CONFIRMAR

- Renata Guerra Gomes Sá (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil)

MESA REDONDA 6 - Auditório 2

RT6: Fortalecendo os cuidados básicos de saúde

OP7: Aspectos clínicos

Mediador: Constança Simões Barbosa (IAM, Brazil)

- Elainne Gomes (IAM/FIOCRUZ, Brazil) – “Schistosomiasis in Porto de Galinhas - PE: clinical-epidemiological aspects and performance of primary health care over the last 20 years.”

- Ricardo Riccio Oliveira (IGM/Fiocruz - BRAZIL) – “Schistosomiasis in fishing villages of Conde, Bahia, Brazil over the past 20 years.”

- A ser anunciado

ALMOÇO (12:00-13:30) - Salão Mariana



MESA REDONDA 7A - Auditório 1

RT7: Diagnóstico em áreas de transmissão persistente da esquistossomose

OP8: Diagnóstico

OP9: Imunologia

Mediador: Ricardo Riccio Oliveira (IGM/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

- Deborah Negrão-Correa (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)

- A ser anunciado

- A ser anunciado

MESA REDONDA 8A - Auditório 2

RT8: Desenvolvimento de drogas e resistência

OP10: Aspectos clínicos

Mediador: Raymond Pierce (CNRS, Institut Pasteur, France)

- John Chan (Medical College of Wisconsin, USA) – “Development of non-sedating benzodiazepines as novel anti-schistosomal therapies.”

- Timothy Anderson (Texas Biomedical Research Institute, USA) – “Genetic mapping of drug resistance genes in Schistosomes.”

- Natalie Hawryluk (Celgene, USA) – A CONFIRMAR

INTERVALO (15:10-15:30) Setor de feiras



MESA REDONDA 7B - Auditório 1

RT7: Diagnóstico em áreas de transmissão persistente da esquistossomose

OP8: Diagnóstico

OP9: Imunologia

Mediador: Cristina Toscano (IRR/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

- Cornelis H. Hokke (Leiden University, Netherlands)

- Otávio Pieri (IOC/FIOCRUZ, Brazil) – “Evaluation of the Point-of-Care Circulating Cathodic Antigen (POC-CCA) assay for use in the surveillance and control of schistosomiasis in areas of low endemicity in Brazil.”

- Jose M. Peralta (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – “Real-Time PCR Improves Detection of Active Infection in Human Feces and Treatment Failure Following Multiple Chemotherapeutic Rounds in Schistosoma mansoni Low Endemic Area”

MESA REDONDA 8B - Auditório 2

RT8: Desenvolvimento de drogas e resistência

OP10: Aspectos clínicos

Mediador: Thiago Almeida Pereira (Stanford University, USA)

- Jonathan S. Marchant (University of Minnesota) – “Characterization of a Schistosome target of Praziquantel.”

- Elly Kourany-Lefoll (PEDPZQ Consortium, CH) - A CONFIRMAR

- A ser anunciado

CONFERÊNCIA 4 - Teatro Ouro Preto


C4: Conferência 4 - Sex, Drugs, and Snails: Developing a deeper molecular understanding of schistosome reproductive biology- James Collins (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA

Mediador: Renata Guerra (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Brazil)

SESSÃO DE PÔSTER (18:00 – 22:00) - Setor de Feiras


CURSOS DE CURTA DURAÇÃO - Salão Tiradentes (Salas B, E e F)



SC2: Atualizações em Diagnóstico

Dra. Ana Coutinho (A CONFIRMAR)

Dra. Deborah Negrão-Correa (A CONFIRMAR)

MSc. Silvia Mesquita (FIOCRUZ-Minas)

SC3: Saneamento

Carolina Torres Menezes (Funasa) - A CONFIRMAR

SC4: Atualizações em esquistossomose

Cristiane Lafetá Furtado de Mendonça

Dra. Langia Colli Montresor (FIOCRUZ-Minas)



MESA REDONDA 9 - Auditório 1

RT9: Prospecção e validação de novos alvos terapêuticos

OP11: Biologia Molecular

Mediador: Conor Caffrey (University of California, San Diego, USA)

- Carolina Horta Andrade (Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil)

- Conor Caffrey (University of California, San Diego, USA) – “The proteasome as a drug target for schistosomiasis.”

- Lizandra Guidi Magalhães (Universidade de Franca, Brazil)

MESA REDONDA 10 - Auditório 2

RT10: Novas abordagens no estudo dos hospedeiros intermediários

OP12: Hospedeiros intermediários

Mediador: Silvana Thiengo (IOC/FIOCRUZ - Brazil)

- Christoph Grunau (University of Perpignan, France)

- Patrick Hanington (University of Alberta, Canada)

- Timothy Yoshino (University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA) – A CONFIRMAR

INTERVALO (10:40-11:00) - Setor de feiras

CONFERÊNCIA 5 - Teatro Ouro Preto


C5: Conferência 5 – “Genome editing provides new insight into the pathogenesis of schistosomiasis” - Paul Brindley (George Washington University, USA)

Mediador: Gloria Franco (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil)



Premiação de melhor Dissertação e Tese em Esquistossomose
Cerimônia de encerramento

ALMOÇO (13:00-14:30) – Salão Mariana

Peter Hotez (Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital, USA)

Keynote Conference: Infectious diseases of poverty and citizenship (Virtual)

Amadou Garba (World Health Organization Switzerland)

Conference: WHO guideline for control and elimination of human schistosomiasis

David Rollinson (Global Schistosomiasis Alliance, UK)

Conference: A broad approach to eliminating schistosomiasis

James Collins (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA)

Conference: Developing a deeper molecular understanding of schistosome reproductive biology

Paul Brindley (The George Washington University, USA)

Conference: Genome editing provides new insight into the pathogenesis of schistosomiasis


Alan Wilson (UK)

Round Table 2: Vaccines and Immunorregulation for schistosomiasis control

Ana Lúcia Coutinho Domingues (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Brazil)

Round Table 6: Strengthening basic health care

Anna Protasio (University of Cambridge, UK)

Round Table 4B: Parasite-host interaction

Arnaldo Maldonado Junior (IOC/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

Round Table 9: One health

Bárbara Gosziniak Paiva (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, UFOP, Brazil)

Round Table 9: One health

Benjamin Daelken (Global Health Institute at Merck, Switzerland)

Round Table 8B - Drug screening, development, and resistance

Bonnie Webster (Natural History Museum, UK)

Round Table 7B: Diagnostic in persisting schistosomiasis transmission areas

Carlos Graeff-Teixeira (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, UFES, Brazil)

Round Table 7A: Diagnostic in persisting schistosomiasis transmission areas

Conor Caffrey (University of California, USA)

Round Table 8A - Drug screening, development, and resistance

Cornelis Hokke (Leiden University Medical, Netherlands)

Round Table 2: Vaccines and Immunorregulation for schistosomiasis control

Round Table 4B: Parasite-host interaction

Christoph Grunau (University of Perpignan - Domitian, France)

Round Table 10: New approaches on the intermediate host studies

Deborah Negrão-Corrêa (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, UFMG, Brazil)

Round Table 7A: Diagnostic in persisting schistosomiasis transmission areas

Elainne Christine de Souza Gomes (Instituto Ageu Magalhães, IAM/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

Round Table 6: Strengthening basic health care

Eliana Nakano (Instituto Butantan, Brazil)

Round Table 8B - Drug screening, development, and resistance

Eric S. Loker (University of New Mexico, USA)

Round Table 4B: Parasite-host interaction

Fernando Schemelzer de Moraes Bezerra (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil)

Round Table 7B: Diagnostic in persisting schistosomiasis transmission areas

Frederic Chevalier (Texas Biomedical Research Institute, USA)

Round Table 8B - Drug screening, development, and resistance

Gabriel Rinaldi (Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK)

Round Table 5: Studies and manipulation of Schistosoma and intermediate host 'omics'

Giulio de Leo (Stanford University, USA)

Round Table 3A: Epidemiology, environment, and sanitation

James Hewitson (University of York, UK)

Round Table 4A: Parasite-host interaction

Joanne Webster (Royal Veterinary College, UK)

Round Table 3B - Epidemiology, environment and sanitation

Louis-Albert Tchuem Tchuenté (University of Yaoundé, Cameroon)

Round Table 1: Perspectives for the control and elimination of human schistosomiasis in light of the WHO guidelines

Martin Johannes Enk (Instituto Evandro Chagas, IEC, Brazil)

Round Table 3A: Sanitation

Matheus de Souza Gomes (Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil)

Round Table 10: New approaches on the intermediate host studies

Matt Berriman (University of Glasgow, Scotland)

Round Table 4A: Parasite-host interaction

Matty Knight (University of the District of Columbia, USA)

Round Table 10: New approaches on the intermediate host studies

Otavio Sarmento Pieri (IOC/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

Round Table 1: Perspectives for the control and elimination of human schistosomiasis in light of the WHO guidelines

Poppy Lamberton (University of Glasgow, UK)

Round Table 3B - Epidemiology, environment and sanitation

Raymond Pierce (Institut Pasteur de Lille, France)

Round Table 8A - Drug screening, development, and resistance

Renata Guerra de Sá Cota (UFOP, Brazil)

Round Table 5: Studies and manipulation of Schistosoma and intermediate host 'omics'

Ricardo Riccio Oliveira (Instituto Gonçalo Muniz, IGM/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

Round Table 6: Strengthening basic health care

Ronald Blanton (Tulane University, USA)

Round Table 3A: Epidemiology, environment, and sanitation

Roseli Tuan (Superintendência de Controle de Endemias, Brazil)

Round Table 3B: Epidemiology, environment, and sanitation

Sérgio Costa Oliveira (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Round Table 4A: Parasite-host interaction

Sérgio Murilo Coelho de Andrade (Ministério da Saúde, Brazil)

Round Table 1: Perspectives for the control and elimination of human schistosomiasis in light of the WHO guidelines

Sergio Verjovski-Almeida (Instituto Butantan / University of São Paulo, Brazil)

Round Table 2: Vaccines and Immunorregulation for schistosomiasis control

Servio Pontes Ribeiro (Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil)

Round Table 9: One health

Silvia Gonçalves Mesquita (Instituto René Rachou, IRR/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

Round Table 7B: Diagnostic in persisting schistosomiasis transmission areas

Tereza Favre (IOC/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

Round Table 9: One health

Wannaporn Ittiprasert (The George Washington University, USA)

Round Table 5: Studies and manipulation of Schistosoma and intermediate host 'omics'

William Evan Secor (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

Round Table 1: Perspectives for the control and elimination of human schistosomiasis in light of the WHO guidelines

Winka Le Clec’h (Texas Biomedical Research Institute, USA)

Round Table 8A - Drug screening, development, and resistance


Dionysios Grigoriadis (EMBL-EBI, UK)

SC1: Using WormBase ParaSite to boost your research

Ana Cláudia Medeiros de Souza (Ministério da Saúde, Brazil)

SC2: Where are the data on schistosomiasis in Brazil?

Ricardo Riccio Oliveira (Instituto Gonçalo Muniz, IGM/FIOCRUZ, Brazil)

SC3: Atualização em diagnóstico laboratorial da esquistossomose